How LinkedIn can disrupt the Recruitment industry

LinkedIn's Vision

I recently watched Intuit’s inspirational founder Scott Cook sharing the vision of some of the top companies like Google and Amazon.

The vision of Google search is not just to deliver the best results, but The Result. As long as there is a page with a set of results, they think they have more work to do. They want to deliver The Result, the exact answer for what you searched.

And they are already working towards it. Try searching for something like “who directed a_movie_name”, or “who wrote a_book_name” and see it for yourself.

That made me think, what might be LinkedIn’s ultimate vision. Could it be: Get The Job ?

As expected, first search result in Google on this topic landed me on The result, a great video by LinkedIn’s CEO Jeff Weiner where he talks about LinkedIn’s vision. He shared how LinkedIn’s product portfolio is organized into Identity, Network and Knowledge and how they want to make their services like Hiring, Marketing, and Selling, more effective. Their vision for the next 10 years is –

Creating economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.

He talks about every one of the 3.2 billion professionals in the world and every company to have a digital profile, every job posted there, every skill needed for those jobs, the universities offering those skills etc. and then let the flow of human and intellectual capital to happen. He calls it the economic graph. I think it’s amazing.

Their core value proposition is to Connect talent with opportunity at massive scale.

But I felt that when it comes to job search, there could be more. Something that is inconceivable today. Something like –

Making job search obsolete. OR

Getting The Job that is perfect for you, when you need it.

As long as professionals have to search for jobs, and companies have to search for professionals, LinkedIn has more work to do.

How about, in the future when you want a job, you just click a button in LinkedIn and GET The Job. Not a list of relevant jobs but The Job, that matches your skills,  your interest, your location preference, your immigration situation… and gives the company The candidate who is the best fit based on education, experience, references, cultural fit, compensation and more. No interviews needed. You just get the job, companies just get the candidate.

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Is it possible? Of course it is.

In addition to matching the attributes (profile, skills, education and recommendations etc.), LinkedIn can look at the behavioral data and other factors such as –

Activities by professionals to predict they are looking for a change.

Entire organizational structures mapped; current roles, changes in roles, and the roles that will be created because of those changes.

Analysis of your career path. Are you thriving, doing fine, or stuck in your current position.

Path taken up by your alumni and your mentors.

Public announcements, laws, or other global or local events that may trigger a change.


Interviews can be made redundant by having a true (and not inflated) representation of your knowledge, skills, learning ability and fit for a position.

Based on all this and a lot of data-crunching, predictive analysis can be done and algorithms can be written to offer the perfect job inside or outside the company, when it’s time (not just when you are looking).

Think about the time, energy and money it will save and the industry it will disrupt. No lengthy recruitment processes inside or outside an organization, No worrying for career management. LinkedIn will do it for you. Dream Jobs will just happen.

You always have The Job.

What do you think?


[Image courtesy: ; @nanpalmero on flickr]

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