20 years – thank you! world.

Twenty years ago on July 17th 2000, I started my professional career and joined Newgen Software Technologies in New Delhi as a software engineer. Twenty years later today on the same day, as I look back, I wonder what a journey it has been… 5 companies, 2 careers, 2 countries, 4 cities and innumerable projects/products later, I stand here today looking back at all the great experiences and the ups and downs I had in the process.

I really feel thankful for all the learning I had, the friends I made, and the money I earned. Almost all of the products I worked on went live and helped the customers with their lives or businesses, and that is an incredibly satisfying feeling in itself.

Twenty years ago, or even ten years ago, I could not have guessed what I would be doing this time in 2020. Big changes have happened in my career nearly every five years and I tried to adapt and move on. So I don’t know what the next 10 or 20 years would look like. But I feel good about the past and hopeful for the future.

Thank you all the companies, colleagues, friends, mentors, managers, leaders, recruiters, partners, customers, and anyone else who taught me something and helped me become what I am today.

Thank you! my family.

Thank you! world.

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