Ideas worth implementing – 1

While writing on the topic of Advertisements in my previous post, I thought about a couple of ideas that are worth implementing but probably haven’t been implemented yet. Let’s discuss those. 1. Automatic lowering of volume (or muting) when the Ads starts playing on TV. I have personally noticed that the volume actually goes a … Read more

YouTube’s excessive push for subscription

In the good old days, YouTube was free and all content was actually free with some occasional Ads. But of late they have been pushing the customers too hard into their Subscription service and if you do not, then the amount of Ads shown is just getting insane. Let’s take a look at their journey. … Read more

Covid like Virality for apps

Virality has been a common term for quite some time now. Every now and then we see new products and apps becoming ‘viral’ and everyone starts using it. It also applies to content (perhaps more to content than to apps) such as a blog post, a photo, or a video. Either way the key concept … Read more

Hierarchy of content

The reach and ubiquity of internet and mobile phones have democratized content creation and consumption, and for good reasons. If you think about it, the following simple hierarchy exists for content. The lower you are in this inverted pyramid, the more valuable you are. The higher up you are, the more dispensable you are. Also, … Read more

20 years – thank you! world.

Twenty years ago on July 17th 2000, I started my professional career and joined Newgen Software Technologies in New Delhi as a software engineer. Twenty years later today on the same day, as I look back, I wonder what a journey it has been… 5 companies, 2 careers, 2 countries, 4 cities and innumerable projects/products … Read more

The Future is Arriving Faster Than We Think

I have often wondered about the speed of innovation these days. Is it the same as compared to say 100 years ago? Are we innovating at about the same rate as earlier, or much slower, or much faster? Electricity, Industrial Revolution, Automobiles, Airplanes, Computersā€¦ or Internet, Telecom, Smart Phones, SaaS, Cloud Computing, Social Media, Artificial … Read more

MVP is not the same as ‘reduced scope’

How would you feel if you hire a handyman to make a custom bed for you, and on the first day, he assembles few wooden pieces into a platform and then never returns because he got busy with other thingsā€¦ Not very happy, right? Sure, the platform can be used to put a mattress and … Read more